About Us

About Us
Hello there!
My name is Alex and I am the face behind Creative Corner Candles!
I have been a self-taught artist since 2006 when my friend, Dana, introduced me to drawing in middle school. At the same time, I grew to enjoy creating stories around my drawings. They were hobbies that I enjoyed since and continue to do from time to time.
I started the idea of making candles as something to do at home. My day would consist of waking up to go to work then coming home after working 8 hours to sleep and then the cycle would continue for the rest of the work week until the weekend came along. I was tired of that cycle and wanted to do something different that would challenge me. My sister is obsessed with candles. But she would always get them from BBW and I could not stand those candles as I was very sensitive to them. From there I got the idea to make candles that would not flare up my sensitivity. That started in May of 2022. From countless failed candles to spending endless hours watching tutorial after tutorial and the tears in between is what blossomed Creative Corner Candles.